Monday Check In

It’s Monday check in again!

My regular posts are getting few and far between. I’m just so damn busy!  Between my day job, online job and family obligations I’m exhausted. Any who…I guess once a week is better than nothing.

Thanks for the reminder to post my weigh in, iCalendar!



That’s right, somehow I stayed exactly the same!  I’m just happy I didn’t gain anything extra.  I do have to say that I ran yesterday and I’m really sore today for some reason (water retention, right?).  Plus Aunt Flo is coming for a visit any day now so there’s that. I’m going to work on a good loss for next week.  Yes, that’s the plan.  If I see a 184 soon (lowest ever) I might pass out.  I want out of the 180’s really bad!


I got this pretty baby as a Mother’s Day gift for myself.  I’m really getting into this whole running thing and I dream about running clothes, running shoes and running accessories on a daily basis.  Long gone (for now anyway) are the days where I pined after a new Coach purse (but I do kinda have my eye on this really cute Tory Burch one) and name brand clothes.  I’d rather get workout related stuff.  Ha!

Anyway, I finished week 5 of C25K yesterday.  I barely dragged my ass along!  I felt so heavy and tired the entire time, pretty much the first minute in.  I ended up walking for about 30 seconds during the last 6 minute run but other than that I completed the intervals.  I was actually surprised to see a 13 minute mile on the Garmin.  I thought for sure I was a lot slower than that.  That said, I’m going to start week 6 tomorrow.  My days have been adjusting week to week and I know I keep changing it up but I’m getting the three workouts a week in regardless.  They may not be on the scheduled days but they do get done.  Boom!  Week 6 starts out mild enough with R8/W3/R8 then R10/W3/R10 then R20 straight.  Actually, now that I typed that out, that’s anything but mild considering my struggle yesterday.  I better make sure to fuel right and get my rest!  Yowsers!  (PS: I don’t trust the calorie count on the Garmin, it’s about 100 calories less than I get with the same workout on the HR monitor)

Update: I just found where I can adjust my weight on the Garmin. We’ll see if the calorie count seems more accurate on the next workout.


On Friday after work we went to this park with the kids and played some basketball and softball.  We had a great time!  I was excited that I actually had some energy to participate.  15 pounds ago I would have just sat and watch my kids and hubby play, this last Friday I actually participated and had a blast!  A nice bonus to taking some of the weight off and exercising regularly.


Favorite meal of the week….BLT sandwich.  I love Bacon!


Have you checked out Walmart for workout clothes?  Honestly, it’s worth it!  I usually get their tanks and tops there.  They are super cheap (this bubble tank was 5 bucks) and comfortable.  I have gotten a couple of capri’s there as well but they don’t work for me when running.  Most start to fall down so I have to stick with the more pricey options.  By pricey I mean Target.  😉


Speaking of Target, this is 2014’s bathing suit choice and I LOVE this sucker.  It’s the first bathing suit in about ever that I actually like and feel like I could wear in public.  It was $35 or something like that so it’s totally worth it.  I probably would have spend even more money on it since I love it so much.  I plan on losing another 5-10 pounds and rocking the shit out of this bathing suit all summer.  Yay!

Keep moving people.  Summer is 39 days away!

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